There are chaotic days in which 24 hours seem a few in order to finish all of the tasks and then, there are the Sundays. Those Sundays in which the main word is slowness, in which you can regenerate your soul just thinking about yourself, concentrating just on what you want to do without restrictions, without the clock ticking the time, without the phone disturbing the rest. those mornings in which you have breakfast in bed, with the soft breeze that filters through the windows and the morning fresh light that floods into the room.
A piece of pie, a cup of coffee, a fresh flower and Sunday starts like this… in a slow way.
I leave you the recipe for this quick and super easy pie that, I’m sure, will win over you.
Ingredients for a spring pan size 20 cm
200 gr flour 00
100 gr sugar
100 gr butter of good quality cold from the fridge
2 yolks
1 orange or lemon peel
200 gr raspberry jam (or your favourite taste)
- Mix flour and sugar. Form a hole in the middle and add the yolks, the butter in little pieces and the peel of the lemon. Mix the ingredients to combine them. Form a ball, cover it with a transparent wrap and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Put it in the spring pan. Turn the oven on on 180°. Take 2/3 of the dough, extend it in the mold creating a low shell. Perforate the dough with a fork.
- Add the jam.
- With the dough left and a rolling pin, prepare little stripes to form the grating. (sometimes I prepare the pie excluding this part, the jam will be dryer but still good)
- Cook in the hot oven for about 25/30 minutes. The cooking time varies according to the oven. When the crost on the edge becomes golden you can take that out of the oven.
- Let the pie get cold on a grate before take it out of your pan.
You can taste this pie as soon as it’s ready but also after some days (you can conserve for some days but only if you hide it in a safe place because as soon as you taste it it will be gone right away)