
Frida Kahlo …blooming flowers

11 Febbraio 2017

“Color, even more than drawing, is a means of liberation ”

– Henri Matisse

Color is light.

Science says that the color is the visual elaboration generated by the  retina photoreceptive nervous signals sent to our brain. Our visual perception is created by our own brain which can cause emotional replies  and different psycological  attitude.

In an old post of mine I told you about my experience throught colors and as you are followers of my blog, for sure you have read about my obsission on colors.

I’ve always been attracted by colors,  in combination, in contrasts, in gradiations, tones and my curiosity always moved me to keep on looking for a special color or combination of colors that could determine my style, my indentity but above all that could make me happy and feel satisfied.

I’ve worked on my special process to determine my pallet scheme so that through colors  I can fix on paper my emotions, my feelings and freedom.

To reach my aim I’m using watercolor …

This is why I had an idea. Sharing my process with you during a mini workshop.

We will use watercolor on a simple drawing using each one a personal combination of  colors, the only one which represent each of us.  We will start from spreading colors on paper and then we will concentrate ourself on admiring their  freedom, their transparence but also the vibrancy. During this process we will learn so much about ourselves, we will foget our daily routine and enter into a magic coloured world.

“Frida Kahlo….Blooming flowers ” is a live workshop in Italy.

11 march 2017 from 14.30 till 17.30.

…I’ll be waiting for you to bloom our spring !




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  • Ely

    Che meraviglia…. E che meraviglioso ricordo, le Ecoline le usavo al liceo nelle ore di ornato…. Mi hai fatto tornare giovane giovane…
    Buon w.e.

    11 Febbraio 2017 at 18:21 Reply
    • Simona Anghileri

      Ely grazie per essere passata. Ma tu sei giovane. giovane !
      ti abbraccio

      13 Febbraio 2017 at 8:14 Reply

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