Browsing Tag:


  • …follow your curiosity

    Birds of feathers flock together … follow your curiosity… It’s not about what it is it’s about what it can become … XOXOXO #solocosebelle #cockadoodledooArt…

    continua a leggere....
    15 Luglio 2017
  • Angelina’s mug

    As I promised in my last post, today I’m gonna talk about my Angelina’s mug. Angelina is my illustrated chicken, my signature,my way to gather…

    continua a leggere....
    31 Maggio 2017
  • ….big plans

    Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small.          …

    continua a leggere....
    8 Maggio 2017